TRACK OF THE WEEK: Space Monkeys: Keep on trippin on (Beat Thief’s 2025 rework)

Track of The Week: The Malakites ‘Lucy’
Track of the Week: Das Koolies ‘Som Bom Magnifico’
This week’s totw is a welcome return and one that offers the first chink of light and uplifting moment in the January slog. Das Koolies “Som Bom Magnifico” is the first single from the new album PANDO expected in early spring.
Also announced in for the album release is a short tour of dates in May around its release -book ended with festival dates in their native south & north Wales. We loved them when they played our Shiiine On Weekender in November.
Daf Leuan “It’s a song about a time when it was normal to order a veggie breakfast in hotels as a concession to a healthier life style, then following up by requesting to see the ‘Breakfast Wine Menu.’ As Lou Reed sang: ‘Wine in the morning!’ Everyone should live like that for a while. Could be for a couple of days or a couple of decades. We’ve never laughed so much, but never again.”
Som Bom Magnifico is out now on all the usual streaming sites.